I’m New Here

Maybe you grew up going to Sunday School every week. Maybe you haven’t been to church in months or years. Maybe your faith is solid as a rock. Maybe you’re not sure what you believe. Maybe you’re looking for a safe place for your children to grow in faith. Maybe you decided to dip your toe in the water and visit a church this Sunday. Maybe it’s because you woke up with the strangest urge to sing, and you didn’t want to sing alone, but with a gathering of diverse people from all backgrounds and ages.

People find their way through our doors in countless ways. Whatever the path that you’ve been on, what matters to us most on your first visit is that you feel welcomed and embraced no matter where you find yourself on the journey of life or faith. Some might say that we fling our doors and our arms open wide merely because we want to be nice. That could be, but there’s a more important reason: Jesus told us to.

So welcome, whoever you are and wherever you are on your faith journey. We can’t wait to meet you with joy! Here’s an overview of what to expect:

We pray for you each Sunday
That you may arise each day with God’s voice of blessing whispering in your ear; may you find harmony between your soul and your life; may there be kindness when you look within; may you know that the shape of your soul is unique and valued by God and by our church family because you have a special destiny here; may you realize you are never alone in your joys and in yours storms- you are forever connected to the eternal God whose Son, Jesus the Christ walked this earth to be with us, and the Holy Spirit who has brought you into our lives.

What time is church?
We gather for worship at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday and worship lasts for about an hour-ish.

What is your worship service like?
Coming before God to give God thanks and praise is the heart of our life as a community, a time when we gather as one body to be nourished, fed, challenged and changed. We share words of welcome, pray together, sing together, read the Bible and contemplate how ancient truths intersect with our world and our times. We believe that God is still speaking new words of light and truth into our world, and that we have more to learn. We bring our lives into the church (our joys and burdens, our gifts and shortcomings) and we share them with one another and the God we worship and serve.

When you come through the door, our Deacons will hand you a bulletin that outlines the worship service and will answer any questions you may have.

Lay readers, the organist & choir along with the pastor guide the worship service.

On the first Sunday of every month we gather around the table of Jesus’ welcome to celebrate Communion. We practice an open communion table and welcome all to be fed from a simple meal of gluten-free bread and grape juice.

At each worship service we honor the ancient Christian practice of collecting an offering to support the ministries of this church and the many organizations with whom we partner. We welcome all gifts and encourage those who worship with us to give joyously and to cultivate a life marked by generosity. If you are unable to contribute financially we ask you to consider sharing your time or talent with the church, another organization, a family member or someone else in need.

​Check out a recent worship service bulletin to get an idea of who we are as we gather before God on this Sunday morning.

Where do my kids go?
Because of the pandemic our “Kidz Church” is on hiatus, children are in worship with their families in the sanctuary and enjoy a Kids Moment with Pastor Sue during worship.

What kind of music will I hear?
Music is a central part of our life together – something that brings us joy, that draws us together, that we take seriously (and do well), and through which we are offered a glimpse of God. We offer a mix of traditional hymns, contemporary songs from around the world in both congregational singing and choral anthems. Our talented Organist and Choir sing “Anthems”, “Sung Prayer Responses” and “Choral Benediction” during worship and supports our singing of hymns and other songs. Our Handbell Choir rings for us throughout the year.

Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes, the Sanctuary, Parish House and bathrooms are accessible and we also have pew cuts in our Sanctuary to allow for those in wheelchairs to be fully engaged in worship. We provide support and opportunities that allow persons with special needs to be fully engaged in the life of our church and programs. We’d love to talk with you to learn more about how we can meet your specific needs.

​What should I wear?
No matter what your personal style, you’ll be comfortable here. If you prefer casual, dressy, or business attire, chances are there will be others dressed just like you.

​What else happens on Sundays?
Following worship we host a Coffee Hour with light refreshments in the adjacent Parish House and share in each other’s lives and get to know new friends.